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Beatrice Wong Su Yin

伍伦贡大学马来西亚 (雪兰莪)

“I learned a lot in UOW Malaysia KDU with all their guidance both inside the classroom and outside. This is especially true with regards to my final year dissertation/thesis. In my final year, the lecturers guided me, and I honed my critical thinking skills and learned to think outside the box, which served me well when I joined the workforce.”

“All the things I have gained from this institution has enabled me upon graduation to land a great career as Starwood’s Malaysia National Sales Team, which was what I wanted. This was facilitated by lecturers who believed in and guided me along this path. Lastly, I am proud to be a UOW Malaysia KDU student.”

Jeannette S. Wilson

伍伦贡大学马来西亚 (雪兰莪)

“I decided to pursue my Degree in Hospitality after one and a half years of working in the hotel industry. Initially, I was worried about whether will I be able to adapt back to student life after working for some time. But after enrolling in UOW Malaysia KDU, I realised that all my worries were unnecessary, and my student life experience here turned out to be an unforgettable one.”

“I made a long of friends while studying in this institution, and the lecturers were ever so dedicated and will always go all out to help us and guide us in our studies and assignments. The lecturers often would help us even after lecture hours despite being busy with their daily tasks. When I start working as an Events Executive for The Gardens Hotel & Residence, I realised it is a tremendous sacrifice for the lecturers to keep making time for us outside the classroom and working hours.”

“Besides that, the knowledge and skills that I gained in this institution were very relevant to my workplace and industry now. My years at UOW Malaysia KDU are something that I look back often with a fond smile on my face.”

“Knowledge absorbed. Relationships built. Lessons learned. Priceless.”

Nurilkarim Razha

伍伦贡大学马来西亚 (雪兰莪)

“My experience in UOW Malaysia KDU was filled with more good times than anywhere and anything else. When I was a diploma student here, the Chef lecturers cared deeply about us. They did everything they could to ensure we learned the skills and understood the hospitality industry before we step even into the industry. These preparations actually gave us extra advantage ahead of our peers and others.”
“I was given a glimpse into what the real grind would be like in the professional kitchen, and we were placed continuously in a “pressure cooker” environment. These experiences and training developed professionalism in us and greater knowledge for our work, even while we were students.”
“The lecturers treated and trained us like adults even though at times we as students can be a little bit spoilt and childish. But because they believed in us, all of us students became more responsible and mature in the process.”
“My fondest memory was seeing the students in the School of Hospitality, Tourism & Culinary Arts (SHTCA) with a particular skill or talent, willingly helped and shared their knowledge with other students. The campus culture here was collaborative and helping one another to succeed. Because of the help of many of my friends, I was able to travel to other countries for cooking competitions.”
“The student support and collaborative culture have caused us, the students, to have a stronger bond and deeper friendships with the lecturers as well as one another. I am truly appreciative of all these people in UOW Malaysia KDU.”
“UOW Malaysia KDU is a place that students will graduate and leave with a heavy heart, because of the great memories, meaningful learning, and fun campus experience.”

Bryan Lee Soon Loong

伍伦贡大学马来西亚 (雪兰莪)

“Studying at UOW Malaysia KDU has paved my career path in the Hospitality industry. The lecturers here have vast experience in the hospitality industry, which allows us to understand more and prepare us for the real world. I also received lots of hands-on experience during my internship as I had the opportunity to work with the Hilton group.”

Jessica Lai

伍伦贡大学马来西亚 (槟城)

“Deciding to pursue my tertiary education at UOW Malaysia KDU University College was definitely a choice well-made. Just like most people, I had no idea what I am going to do after graduating high school, I was introduced to UOW Malaysia KDU by my brother who was studying in the institution back then. It was a time of exploration and discovery for me, both on a personal and intellectual level.”

“The competent lecturers and great systems within campus provided me with a platform for proper guidance. Graduating from UOW Malaysia KDU not only equipped me with knowledge and communication skills to carry forward in both my career and life today, but it also gave me memorable memories with my classmates as we would study, eat, and being mischievous together. I will always remember the UOW Malaysia KDU Cafeteria where we would hang out between classes.”

Jessica has been instrumental to the growth of Aspen Group, Penang-based property development and real estate investment group, where she now serves as the Divisional Director, Group Human Resource & Administration Division.

“The role of Human Resource in planning and driving the strategic growth of an organization is as important as technology or business leadership. In my role, I am required to assist the company in paving the way for strategic growth across decisions and sustain the right conversations with other leaders to carve out an intelligent path for a promising future for co-workers. A HR professional adds value to the business, not only through sourcing and recruiting the best talent, but by supporting co-workers, creating a great co-worker culture, and looking at ways to make a positive difference in the workplace. That is why I love working in HR.”

Eric Shaun Seaton

伍伦贡大学马来西亚 (槟城)

“I remembered joining this institution while it was still a college (before it became UOW Malaysia KDU). It was a unique experience for me because I could pursue a UK degree in a local university environment. In other words, I was learning the same thing UK students were learning, but I was doing it here in the comfort of my homeland. There were 20 of us who enrolled in the UK program. We were learning course syllabus and course materials as those in the UK through an online platform called Blackboard. Guess what? We even had summer breaks in Malaysia between our 2nd and 3rd year!”

“During the two years, I began to understand and comprehend the phrase, “think globally, act locally” because I was pursuing an international program, but I was completing the degree locally. The principles, case studies, theories, and insights that I have learned from the program, must be applied correctly to the local context I am currently in. And now appointed as an officer in the state government, this idea of “thinking globally, acting locally” does come in handy. For example, the information and knowledge I continuously obtained from various globalized sources are then modified for implementation to suit local communities and cultures.”

Eric works for the Penang State Government and currently serves as the Special Officer to the Chief Minister of Penang.

“As an officer in the state government, I enjoy serving the people of Penang regardless of race, religion, gender, social and economic backgrounds. Part of my job would require me to combat and eradicate fake and unverified news on social media, ensuring people are well informed with the latest and credible news and updates. Besides that, we also work on other projects that are beneficial for the livelihood and the well-being of the people in Penang.”

Ooi Fang Yeow

伍伦贡大学马来西亚 (槟城)

“My student life in UOW Malaysia KDU was enjoyable. I met a group of passionate people, skillful and dedicated lecturers. Overall, it is totally a fun experience to study in UOW Malaysia KDU. Again, the lecturers here are amazing, they are great communicators and very patient with us making sure we truly understand the lectures. I’m glad that I am a UOW Malaysia KDU students.”

“I would say UOW Malaysia KDU is an institution with a complete facility and top-notch education system. That’s why I was able to complete my study smoothly here. I also met my mentor here at UOW Malaysia KDU, he inspired me to pursue my dream and career. I always believe passion will overcome every hardship.”

“Since I started my interior design career, I always enjoy helping people bring their dream house or project to reality. The joy of creating beautiful and efficient space and place for the society, knowing that you are making people’s lives and their living space better is priceless.”

Fang Yeow is as the managing director of Vault Design Lab, a leading full-service interior design firm based in Penang, Malaysia.

Naeem Hussaini

伍伦贡大学马来西亚 (雪兰莪)

“Studying at UOW Malaysia KDU was an amazing experience. For me, making new friends with people from different backgrounds been the highlight while studying here. I believe many of the great friendships fostered inside the campus environment could only happen here and not elsewhere. Not only were the lecturers here are fantastic, but the support staffs were very friendly and helpful to the students. I hope all the students here can enjoy their time at UOW Malaysia KDU just like I did. I wish UOW Malaysia KDU the very best and to all the students, the best of luck in your studies.”

Ryan Kwang Zheng Rasiah

伍伦贡大学马来西亚 (雪兰莪)

If there is one thing I must commend this institution for, it would have to be the lecturers. Speaking for the A-Level Science course lecturers, i.e. physics, further maths, maths, and chemistry lecturers, they are all state of the art, top class, friendly, amazing people. These lecturers are fantastic people, and the impact they left in my life is priceless.

My lecturers not only dealt with my theatrical antics, but they always knew how to conduct the lectures in a very effective, interactive, and entertaining way. They made courses and subjects that would have been a snooze fest transforming it into one that kept me awake and attentive. Therefore, I respect my lecturers above all else, and I believe the lecturers here itself would be a good enough reason why anyone should consider studying in UOW Malaysia KDU. These lecturers are very dedicated to their work and their students: you can sense both their deep passion for their art and their love for students every time they teach.

I left UOW Malaysia KDU a proud and grateful graduate, thanks to the guidance and experience in UOW Malaysia, I ended up achieving three A* for my A-Level. Besides the support of my family, I believe the lecturers here have played a significant role in my excellent academic result. For those who are still considering whether to be enrolled in this institution, let me ensure you choosing UOW Malaysia KDU could be one of the best choices you could ever make in your life. My final encouragement to all future students is this: always learn to be aware of your strengths. Keep working on your weaknesses knowing whatever hardships you may face, and they are only temporary obstacles that will ultimately help you to grow both as a student and a human.

Foo Lee Ying

伍伦贡大学马来西亚 (雪兰莪)

I’m a UI designer from an indie Malaysian game company and have released multiple international games that have since won many awards locally and internationally alike. While studying in UOW Malaysia KDU as a student and now being a professional in the industry I quickly realised that there was a much needed space for marginalised folks who were working in games that gave me the push to start a community hangout called WiGout for women and underrepresented folks in games based in KL. It has since grown slowly and maintained a safe place for folks who work in games. All this could not be possible if I did not choose to pursue games as a career and as a degree UOW Malaysia KDU gave me the opportunity to pursue that. Kaigan Games is one of the leading indie game developers in South East Asia. Over the past 6 years, their games like Sara is Missing and SIMULACRA, has garnered over 7 international awards, millions of downloads with and a growing Discord fanbase with more than 10,000 members. Their game SIMULACRA won the Best Mobile Game, Indie Prize USA 2018; and the Excellence in Storytelling, International Mobile Game Awards SEA.

Mohd Azuan Shah Bin Yaakap

伍伦贡大学马来西亚 (雪兰莪)

“As a part-time student, working and studying can be a challenge, but overall, it was a fun and meaningful experience. The friendships that I have fostered with my classmates, lecturers, and university staff have remained strong until today.”
“To have obtained a degree from a well-recognized institute like UOW Malaysia KDU has definitely to my favour, especially in helping me climb the corporate ladder. Yet, the most crucial takeaway from my years studying in this institution is the opportunity to interact with my classmates from different generations, social backgrounds, and cultures on the same platform through group assignments, presentations, or just by being in the same class. It helps me to see things from a different higher perspective. As a Manager, this helps me a lot in showing empathy to all kinds of people in the workplace. It also helped me to bridge the gap between and effectively connect with my younger peers and subordinate.”
“The knowledge gain in UOW Malaysia KDU has helped me to stay agile and relevant in the fast-paced, ever-changing, dynamics industry. I had heavily involved in spearheading a few start-ups that focus on building RF/EMC test /certification facilities for companies like PSDC, Bose, Flex, as well as Motorola (where I am currently working at).”
“PSDC, is now Keysight’s EMC lab, also Malaysia’s one and only 10m Semi Anechoic chamber. These certification facilities help to bring in more development and research work to Malaysia as we try to move away from manufacturing and delivering higher-value output.”

Dexter Tam Rong Zheng

伍伦贡大学马来西亚 (雪兰莪)

Studying in UOW Malaysia KDU Game Development course have been a steppingstone in my journey of creating games. Spending my days to learn the craftmanship of game design really helped me get into my current company, Metronomik, which also wants to nurture the game industry in Malaysia. The lecturers, despite their stream or profession, are very helpful to shape my view on how to face working industry and grind us to understand how game development works. It is a pleasure to work with the lecturers and student in the course. Metronomik is a video game company founded in 2017 by FFXV lead game designer, Wan Hazmer and Daim Dziauddin, Concept Artist of Street Fighter V. Metronomik have developed their first PS4 & PC game, No Straight Roads which has won the Asia Grand Jury Award (2018)Level Up KL Southeast and Tokyo Game Show Indie Excellence Award (2018).