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Shurain A/L K.Nageswaran

伍伦贡大学马来西亚 (雪兰莪)

The reason contributed to his choice of joining UOW Malaysia KDU is because he interested in the program offered by UOWMalaysia KDU back then as a student. During Shurain’s college days, he was the President of the UOW Malaysia KDU Indian Culture Society. The fondest memories studying at UOW Malaysia KDU is when he was the President of the Indian Culture.

As a student, he studied telecommunication and computer engineering, with this experience and the dedicated lecturers at UOW Malaysia KDU the program supported him a lot in his current career, in a multinational leading telco company here, in Malaysia.

“My friends and the institution taught me to be independent,” said Shurain when asked on how UOW Malaysia KDU influenced his passion in life. He would love to contribute back to the UOW Malaysia KDU community in guiding and mentoring the students.

Shurain’s words of wisdom that inspire and motivate him in life – “If It’s to be, it’s up to me”

Sasha Mohd Saidin

伍伦贡大学马来西亚 (雪兰莪)


作为一名艺人,Sasha从小就离开学校。20多岁时,她报读了伯乐学府。她向自己发誓,在经历了一段“空白年”之后,她会重新开始学习。果然经过10年的努力,她终于在伯乐学府取得了工商管理的文凭,并以优异的成绩考取了她所选择的英国东安格利亚大学(University of East Anglia)。最后她成功的考取了工商信息系统学士学位。




Lee Yi Loong

伍伦贡大学马来西亚 (槟城)

“Back in 2000, right after my diploma graduation, I worked as a maintenance technician in Motorola Penang with plans to further my education. Initially, I was offered to complete my degree course at a local university, but upon my friend’s recommendation, I decided to apply for UOW Malaysia KDU Penang University College instead.”

“The Bachelor Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering that I had obtained in UOW Malaysia KDU has launched me into an Engineer career in for Multinational Corporations (MNC). The lectures that we learned in UOW Malaysia KDU was not just mere theories but it is very practical and relevant to the industrial needs today. The positive attitude and technical knowledge that I have gained from my time in UOW Malaysia KDU Penang University College had led me to become the Manufacturing Director in Vitrox Corporation Malaysia today.”

“Now as a Manufacturing Director, I am constantly looking for great talents and desire to create more job opportunities for the next generation. I too have interviewed and hired many graduates even those who are from UOW Malaysia KDU Penang University College.”

Vincent Leong Wai Shun

伍伦贡大学马来西亚 (槟城)




我完成了电脑学士学位课程,这是英国林肯大学(University of Lincoln)和伯乐槟城大学学院联合授予的双学位课程,而后伯乐学府把我介绍给英国的普利茅斯大学(Plymouth University)。

我在伯乐大学没有受到任何的歧视。相反的,我在课堂上经历了非常有趣和难忘的课程,因为多数的讲师是有关领域的专家和企业人物。除了专注在课本或课堂上的成果,我觉得槟城伯乐学府还传授学生如何创业。身为Cortex Investment Holding, Cortex Robotics和Cortex Imaging Sdn. Bhd的首席执行官,我必须保证我的公司成功且创造可观的利润。


Penny Ching

伍伦贡大学马来西亚 (槟城)


Nurul Syahira Binti Zamre

伍伦贡大学马来西亚 (雪兰莪)

Nurul graduated with first class honour’s degree and was awarded with Industry Award of Excellence in Creativity by XENO (formerly known as Paranormal Group Asia) in recognition of her outstanding achievement in the program and for displaying a high level of creativity and implementing ideas in an innovative way.

“The whole campus environment is graced with beautiful landscapes, picturesque design and buildings, the views are photo worthy of Instagram. Aside from the beautiful environment, the lecturers here are very helpful to students, I literally enjoyed my time at UOW Malaysia KDU, and I still do. Every now and then I would still drop by for a visit and just to meet with my juniors and lecturers, and everyone who has helped me throughout my time at UOW Malaysia KDU.”

While being a student here, Nurul served as one of UOW Malaysia KDU Student Ambassador and also represented the institution on various events and programs, both internally and externally. These programs include weekly volunteering with Institute Onn Jaafar teaching underprivileged communities near Chow Kit area, TnX50 Malaysia’s Development Showcase on technology, science and community, she also involved in raising awareness with The Star R.AGE sexual predator’s case to the higher authorities of Malaysia. Nurul served as a female emcee and talent for UOW Malaysia KDU University College and partners.

“Today, I am a writer, a freelance voice-over artist, model, journalist and a general manager for a non-profit organisation called Al-Hasan Volunteering Network. But I have also committed my time and energy to speak about my UOW Malaysia KDU experience to any potential students, to any current students or even to those who are still undecided on where they plan to further their studies. UOW Malaysia KDU is the place of great experiences, great opportunities, great learning processes, and great memories that I will cherish always”


John Kevin Navoa

伍伦贡大学马来西亚 (雪兰莪)

Inspired by his cousins, John Kevin Navoa chose to study in UOW Malaysia KDU. “It was the main reason I wanted to go there so badly. My cousins descripted in detail about their fantastic lecturers and even more, the well-known culinary school itself.

His most memorable memory was being the only Filipino student in his class. This encouraged him to learn more about the Malaysian culture, especially its variety of food. “I enjoyed both learning the local culture and teaching bits and pieces of the Filipinos to my peers”.

One of his memories were his internship in Dewakan; a restaurant located inside UOW Malaysia KDU itself. With the fusion of two Malay words for “god” and “food”, Dewakan is known to be the modern appreciation of the abundance that this land is blessed with. Upon completion of his internship, he continued working as a part timer for this outstanding restaurant. John recalled of Chef Darren who was still a lecturer at that point of time. “From Dewakan, I learned to be professional by following high standards and never disregarding them for any reason. Upon completing my training under this high pressure and fast-paced environment, I was able to adapt in diverse areas,” he said.

According to John, UOW Malaysia KDU has influenced his culinary passion in life. “Our lecturers were committed about every lesson. Everything was on point and perfect. This slowly instill love for food in me. In time, I felt dedicated to make great food. In addition to that, our lecturers groomed us to communicate and move around professionally. However, the most important lesson learnt was to be able to adapt in different cultures.”

John would love to contribute back to the UOW Malaysia KDU community by making something out of himself, apply it in our cuisine and push the boundaries where no one has ever thought possible. He has applied everything he learned during his time spend in UOW Malaysia KDU and Dewakan. “If I become even more successful with my current endeavor, the credit would entirely go to the school and its lecturers. I hope this will encourage more students to enroll at UOW Malaysia KDU.”

Quay Cheng Yee

伍伦贡大学马来西亚 (雪兰莪)

When I enrolled in Bachelor of Accounting (Hons), I had no idea what to expect. To be honest, all the journal entries, debits and credits were very primitive to me back then but after receiving immense guidance, patience, motivation and impeccable advices, I emerged as one of Top 10 finalists in the tax competition, an achievement I will always be eternally grateful for. UOW Malaysia KDU not only provides excellent education, it also urges students to strive for excellence. My education journey and student life at UOW Malaysia KDU has been very fulfilling and memorable because of the guidance and friendships that will last a lifetime.

She has emerged as one of the Top 10 finalists in the 2018 Ernst Young Tax Challenge is currently an employee at the prestigious and reputable audit firm, Ernst & Young.

Ahmad Riyal Bin Husni

伍伦贡大学马来西亚 (雪兰莪)

Ahmad Riyal Bin Husni decided to join UOW Malaysia KDU upon hearing from his neighbour of the UOW Malaysia KDU’s Mass Communication degree program, convinced by the reasonable courses fee and appealing campus life. But while studying in UOW Malaysia KDU, Riyal’s became even more fond of the culture of experimentation in the institution here. From learning to dance to experimenting with running events, Riyal was able to embrace both success and failures and learn from it. UOW Malaysia KDU has become an important training ground for him to develop his Emcee skills where he now does it professionally.

“UOW Malaysia KDU has created a safe place and make room for a lot of experimentations so I can make as many mistakes as fast as possible and learn from it as a student, thus, I can avoid making them in my working life.Remember guys, dare to experiment, learn for your failures, do it for free now [while as a university student] so that you get good enough to get paid for it in the future”.

“In UOW Malaysia KDU, I did not feel as trapped as I was in the normal school system. Because after joining UOW Malaysia KDU, I am very motivated and was given the chance to pursue my career. If you don’t do it, what else are you going to do?”

Saw Jo Yin

伍伦贡大学马来西亚 (雪兰莪)

“After graduating from my foundation course, I joined UOW Malaysia KDU after being persuaded by many of my relatives claiming that UOW Malaysia KDU is one of the best universities for Mass Communication courses. Once I got in, I immediately fell in love with the new campus in Glenmarie because it is fully equipped with great facilities. I also really enjoy broadcast, entrepreneurship and visual communication classes because the course does not limit to only media publication. We have more chances to explore and develop different skills.”

Jo Yin’s initially planned to become a journalist and was glossophobic (fear of public speaking) before joining UOW Malaysia KDU. But upon graduation, Jo Yin was awarded First Class in her Mass Communication bachelor’s degree, Jo Yin moved on from university to become an entrepreneur instead of a journalist.

“All the skills that I learned in UOW Malaysia KDU was applicable to my entrepreneur life especially in the field of communication and design. Lucky enough, I was also appointed as one of the youngest directors of Sevenstar Yacht International Sdn. Bhd. UOW Malaysia KDU had totally reinvent me into a new leaf, because now I am a speaker and leader to my own team ‘Gala Queen’. I have also founded my own brand ‘Yumeka’.”

As her way of contributing back to the UOW Malaysia KDU community, Jo Yin created the ‘Women Empowerment Entrepreneurship’ event on 24 November 2019 together with celebrity Amber Chia.

Leong Kuan Yew

伍伦贡大学马来西亚 (雪兰莪)

While being a full-time staff in UOW Malaysia KDU, Leong Kuan Yew decided to further his education by pursuing his Masters.  “I am satisfied with the master program as it was very well organized and my hats off to the department for doing such a great job.”

“The lecturers here are highly experienced within their industries, and what they imparted was very helpful for me in further enhancing my skills. I gained good insights through their sharing and supervision. The Master’s degree itself has helped me in my career promotion.”

“Through UOW Malaysia KDU, I am inspired to perceive the world very differently, with a better understanding of cognitive orientation, that also led me into deepening my dedication in research and for engineering. UOW Malaysia KDU had brought me to my passion, I am passionate in building a better tomorrow through technology advancements for the community.”

Leong has worked on several artificial intelligence projects that seeks to serve the community. One of such examples was a government-funded project where they developed assistive technology for the blind and low vision people in navigation. Leong hopes to be an advocate for UOW Malaysia KDU’s and desires to be a mentor for the current students. Leong is a strong believer of giving back and believes that only kindness can inspire and make the world a better place.

For him, to love is to give and to share with others. Leong encourages all students that whenever they are faced with adversaries and challenges, to always change their perceptive, and learn to see these challenges as opportunities.

Hassan Omar Hassan Golamalla

伍伦贡大学马来西亚 (雪兰莪)

Hassan Omar Hassan Golamalla believes what makes UOW Malaysia KDU special is the excellent and quality education, where students are challenged to go beyond their limit and pushing them to deliver a high standard work upon graduate.

“I choose UOW Malaysia KDU because of the professional teaching staff that constantly guiding you through and making sure you would challenge your own abilities. Also, I appreciate the collaboration and partnership of UOW Malaysia KDU with other high ranked universities in United Kingdom. Namely Northumbria University, where both universities collaborated in designing an academic curriculum to ensure students have with a clear path to well-established careers”

“My final year project supervisor at UOW Malaysia KDU advised me to do my thesis in solar energy as it’s the future. To kill two birds with one stone, by building up my skill in solar energy industry while completing my degree. After two years of experience in different industries, and finally, my thesis contributed big time for me in securing my dream job as a PV Solar design engineer.”

Lastly, Hassan believed that beyond the academics and assignments, Student and Alumni Centre (SAC) in UOW Malaysia KDU is vital in building his skills and has contributed so much growth in him. Hassan stressed that these skills he acquired through participating in Student and Alumni Centre (SAC) activities became very important skills that distinguished him from others, as a unique individual in the working industry today.