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UOW Malaysia KDU Lecturers Successfully Secured the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme For 2021

By UOW Malaysia KDU

On the 7th of September 2021, both UOW Malaysia KDU Selangor and Penang Campus successfully obtained the 2021 Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS2021) from the ministry of higher education. Both Institutions have secured a total of RM330,708.00 from four projects, 2 of which from each campuses.

Below are the recipients of the FRGS 2021:

UOW Malaysia KDU Penang Campus

Project Leader:
Dr. Ong Song Quan | UOW Malaysia KDU Centre for Pre-University and General Studies


  • Associate Professor Dr. Abdul Hafiz Bin Ab Majid (University Science Malaysia)
  • Dr. Gomesh Nair (UOW Malaysia KDU Postgraduate & Research Centre)

FRGS Title: The Development of a Machine Learning Model to Detect and Classify Insecticides Resistance Based on the Pattern of Acylcarnitine and Amino Acid Profiles

Project Leader:
Dr. Azreen Rozainee Binti Abdullah | UOW Malaysia KDU School of Hospitality, Tourism and Culinary Arts (SHTCA)


  • Professor Tan Shau Hwai (University Science Malaysia)
  • Dr. Irhanida Abdul Kadir (UOW Malaysia KDU SHTCA)
  • Dr. Cheah Swee Ting (UOW Malaysia KDU SHTCA)

FRGS Title: Development of a Framework on the Synergy between Fishing Communities and Coastal Ecotourism to Counter Land Reclamation and Sand Mining Activities.

UOW Malaysia KDU Selangor Campus

Project Leader:
Dr. Cheng Xiau San | UOW Malaysia KDU School of Engineering (SOE)


  • Professor Dr. Sulaiman Wadi Harun (University Malaya),
  • Dr. Anas Bin Abdul Latiff (University Technology Malaysia),
  • Tan Sin Jin (UOW Malaysia KDU SOE)

FRGS Title: Optical properties study of fluoride glass-based fibre operating in 2-4-micron region for MIR laser spectroscopy and medical laser application.

Project Leader:
Julian Wong Choon Yee | UOW Malaysia KDU School of Computing and Creative Media (SCCM)


  • Yap Chin Kein (UOW Malaysia KDU SCCM)
  • Lim Chui Seong (HELP University)

FRGS Title: Framing a Gamified Quiz Generator Model using Digital Engagement Approach for Online Assessment Among Undergraduate Students

Congratulations to all UOW Malaysia KDU researchers for successfully obtaining the FRGS 1/2021. Thank you also for showing a great example of the power of collaboration between other great institutions in Malaysia!


14 September 2021




UOW Malaysia KDU

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