Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy by UOW Malaysia


UOW Malaysia strives for excellence across all of its activities, services and processes in teaching and learning, student support, staff support and development, research, governance, community engagement and administration.


Quality Framework

To ensure that our objectives and standards are tested and improved, UOW Malaysia is committed to the University of Wollongong 4-step quality cyclePlan, Act, Review, Improve.


The institution demonstrates its commitment to continuous improvement through:

  • its planning, budget and performance reporting cycle, which includes measuring its performance on a range of key indicators
  • its cycle of periodic reviews for academic units, policies, courses and collaborative delivery arrangements
  • undertaking a range of student, graduate and stakeholder surveys to improve the quality of teaching, learning and the student experience
  • monitoring and reporting student learning outcomes across all teaching locations
  • undertaking a range of internal and external audits and reviews



All programs offered by UOW Malaysia are accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia through the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA). This accreditation ensures that UOW Malaysia graduates are recognized throughout Malaysia, ASEAN, and internationally.

Our commitment to quality and continual self-evaluation is what helps us to uphold our reputation for academic excellence. Alongside our internal processes for quality assurance, UOW Malaysia is subject to the rigorous review processes of the MQA, to retain the high standards expected of Ministry licensed institutions.

In addition to local accreditation, programs are quality assured by University of Wollongong Australia, with representation of UOW senior academic staff on Academic Senate ensuring qualifications from UOW Malaysia are held in high esteem. As a mark of this quality assurance, the UOW Vice Chancellor endorses all program awards, to indicate that students have attained the required standard.

MQA accreditation validates UOW Malaysia institutional standards in a number of key areas, including:

  • Academic instruction and assessment
  • Faculty and professional staff credentials
  • Learning environment and resources
  • Organisational governance
  • Ongoing quality assurance
  • Fiscal planning and responsibility


Professional Recognition

Alongside UOW Malaysia’s institutional accreditation, several of our programs have been formally recognised by international professional organisations. For a number of programs, this recognition provides advanced entry to, or partial exemptions from, the organisations’ professional accreditation schemes. These organisations include:

  • The UK Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
  • Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)
  • CPA Australia
  • Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
  • The Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (MICPA)


ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems Certification

Our quality management system is certified under ISO 9001: 2015. This is an internationally recognised quality management system (QMS) that ensures our leadership, planning, support, operation, performance evaluation and improvement is quality assured to meet the expectations and needs of internal and external stakeholders.