Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy by UOW Malaysia

Thank you for using Knowledge Hub!

Knowledge Hub offers products and services provided by UOW Malaysia. These Terms of Use (“Terms”) govern your use of our website, apps, and other products and services (“Services”). As some of our Services may be software that is downloaded to your computer, phone, tablet, or other device, you agree that we may automatically update this software, and that these Terms will apply to such updates. Please read these Terms carefully, and contact us if you have any questions, requests for information, or complaints. By using our Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms, including the policies references in these Terms.

Using Knowledge Hub

  1. Who May Use Our Services.
    Any use or access by anyone under the age of 18 must:

    1. Obtain the written consent of a parent or guardian to participate in Knowledge Hub and provide the written consent to Knowledge Hub; and
    2. Comply with any age restrictions imposed by Knowledge Hub or as required by law in relation to activities undertaken as part of the short course.
  2. Learners will be required to register, using their full name and email address at a minimum. Learners will be required to establish a password.
  3. UOW Malaysia may collect additional learner profile information, as required, during the registration process to confirm the student’s eligibility to complete the program, to tailor delivery of content to the audience or future marketing and communications.
  4. Learners are responsible for ensuring that they meet any published minimum assumed knowledge, English language and are otherwise prepared and able to meet the requirements of the short course.
  5. A learner will not be a UOW Malaysia student as a result of registering or participating in knowledge Hub. Learners will not be supplied with a UOW Malaysia email address for communications with UOW Malaysia and will not be entitled to access any benefits provided to UOW Malaysia students (except as UOW Malaysia permits in its absolute discretion from time to time).
  6. Learners will not be eligible for student visas based on their registration on a short course.
  7. UOW reserves the right to refuse to provide a short course to any potential learner where the provision of the short course may be a breach of the Private Higher Educational Institutions Act 1996 (Act 555) or related regulations and determinations.


Our License to You

  1. By accepting these Terms and our Policies, you are granted a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable license to utilize our services. This license is solely for your personal, non-commercial use unless you receive explicit written permission from us. Additionally, you agree to create and use only one user account, unless expressly authorized by Knowledge Hub, and you will not share your account access or account information with any third party. It is important to note that using our Services does not grant you ownership or any intellectual property rights in relation to our Services or the content you access.
  2. Commercial Use: Engaging in commercial activities through our Services is strictly forbidden. Any commercial use must be governed by a separate agreement with Knowledge Hub.


Content Offerings

  1. UOW Malaysia reserves the right to cancel or reschedule a short course at any time, in its absolute discretion.
  2. UOW Malaysia will provide learners with as much notice as possible of the cancellation or rescheduling of any short course.
  3. To the extent permitted by law, UOW Malaysia will not be liable for any costs, expenses or losses incurred by learners arising out of, or related to, the cancellation or rescheduling of a short course.


No Academic Credit

Knowledge Hub does not provide academic credit for the completion of the short course. It should not be assumed that other institutions will accept the credit awarded.


Current Students Completing Short Courses

  1. If a learner is already a UOW Malaysia student, registration in a UOW Malaysia short course will not impact their award course enrolment, except where a student breaches of the University policy.
  2. Students partaking in award courses and short courses will be required to manage their study load. Participating in short courses will not count as reason for academic consideration in any award study.


Fees and Refunds

  1. Where a short course has a fee, the learner must make payment in full upon registration for the short course.
  2. Until UOW Malaysia has received and cleared payment in full registration is not complete and the learner’s position in the short course is not secure.
  3. There would be NO refund for any monies paid for a short course.


Duration of Course Completion

  1. Failure to obtain your completion certificate within 180 days of registering for a guided short course will result in the expiration of your registration. To complete the guided short course and obtain your certificate, you will be required to re-enrol and pay the necessary fees.
  2. If you do not earn your course certificate within 180 days, your registration will expire and you will need to pay to re-enrol for the course.


Learner Conduct & Safety

  1. All learners are expected to familiarize themselves and comply with the Terms of Use for the knowledge Hub platform and any code of conduct, academic policy, honor code or any institution’s requirements associated with programs which a learner has enrolled onto through the knowledge Hub platform has established.
  2. Academic misconduct undermines the value of knowledge hub hosted credentials and devalues the authentic efforts of other learners. Learners who engage in misconduct are therefore subject to consequences as described below.
  3. Academic misconduct is defined as any activity which circumvents, or attempts to circumvent, the learning experience provided by the course through violation of course learning policies or specific policies provided by the instructor or outlined by the syllabus, or misrepresentation of the authorship or conditions of completion of course activities.
  4. All activity on the knowledge hub platform including logins and all course activities is subject to these policies. Work includes but is not limited to exams, quizzes, peer review activities, assessments, discussion board contributions, guided projects and labs.


    • Accessing, purchasing, exchanging or offering for purchase any item to be submitted as an assessment task;
    • Behaving deceitfully or dishonestly in examinations, in the preparation of assessable items or during in-class assessments;
    • Using or possessing prohibited equipment or material during an examination;
    • Sending, receiving or accessing or endeavouring to send, receive or access any source of stored electronic information during the examination unless specified by the examiner;
    • Drawing or writing on materials, other than the exam papers provided, during an examination.

    Collusion & Facilitation

    • Assisting another student, intentionally or recklessly, to commit an act of academic misconduct;
    • Unauthorized collaboration with other students on assessable work;
    • Uploading a copy of a subject outline or other subject or course materials to a website or server without express permission of the University;
    • Removing or endeavouring to remove from the examination room any question or answer paper, other paper provided for use by the student during the course of the examination, or other material which is the property of the University, unless authorized by the examination supervisor and examiner.
    • Impersonating another student, or a student allowing another individual to impersonate him/her, for the purpose of completing an exam, assessment task or online activity.

    Misrepresentation & Fabrication


    • Submitting a piece of work, including an assessable group work item, with the intention of deceiving the assessor regarding individual contributions to the work;
    • Intentional and unauthorized falsification or invention of any information, experimental data or citation in an assessable item;
    • Misleading ascription of authorship (including claiming authorship of parts of a group assignment prepared by other students);
    • Representing data or information incorrectly, improperly or falsely;
    • Falsely indicating participation, or recording attendance on behalf of another student, in an activity where attendance is required for assessment purposes;
    • Submitting a text/code-matching software originality report that falsely represents the originality of an assignment submitted for assessment.

    Obstruction & Interference

    • Behaving in any way that limits the academic opportunities of other students by improperly impeding their work or their access to educational resources.


    • Using another person’s ideas, designs, words or any other work without appropriate acknowledgement;
    • Using work (e.g. assignment, essay, exam paper, research paper, creative project, data) generated by an artificial intelligence (AI) tool in an assessment unless expressly permitted to do so and with proper acknowledgement.
    • Re-using one’s own work without appropriate acknowledgement.

    Learners who breach any of the obligations imposed on students in the above academic misconduct may:

    1. Be asked to resubmit an assessment, where the breach related to a specific assessment
    2. Be given a Fail or Unsatisfactory grade, where the breach related to that specific short course
    3. Have their registration suspended or cancelled
    4. Be suspended or permanently restricted from registering for other short courses
    5. Have certificates for completed short courses revoked, where the breach related to that specific short course.
  5. The security of our users is of utmost importance to use. Although we make efforts to safeguard your account and associated information, Knowledge Hub cannot provide absolute assurance against unauthorized third parties bypassing our security measures. If you suspect any compromise or unauthorized use of your account, please promptly notify us by sending an email to [email protected].


Copyright and Trademark

Knowledge Hub holds high regard for the intellectual property rights of our users, content providers, and other third parties, and we anticipate the same level of respect from our users when utilizing our services.


Completion Records and Credit Arrangements

  1. The University will make digital completion records available to learners as soon as possible after they have completed the requirements of the short course.
  2. UOW Malaysia may award the following types of certificates on successful completion of a short course:
    2.1. Microcredential Certificate of Attainment – upon successful completion of microcredentials, including satisfactory performance on assessments that assure learning outcomes have been achieved.
  3. Learners who achieve a Microcredential Certificate of Attainment may qualify for recognition of prior learning towards a UOW Malaysia award course, however, they must apply for the award course and meet the entry requirements to qualify. Credit shall be granted in accordance with the Credit Transfer Policy. This means that more than one short course may need to be completed before credit can be applied for.
  4. Eligibility for credit transfer will be advised to learners prior to enrolment in microcredentials, in line with the credit agreement approved upon establishment of the short course.
  5. Grades of performance will be recorded on the learner record.
  6. Learners will not be considered UOW Malaysia graduates of any type and will not be able to infer the successful completion of a UOW Malaysia award course.


Academic Appeals

  1. A learner may request a review of their mark or grade or appeal an academic decision of the Short Course Convenor.
  2. The learner must first seek to resolve the matter informally with their Short Course Convenor.
  3. If the learner is unable to resolve the matter informally they may apply in writing for a review from the Faculty Short Course Director.
  4. The University will ensure that learners who formally request a review of a Short Course Convenor’s decision will have:
    1. their matter acknowledged and handled promptly;
    2. their matter treated confidentially and not discussed with anyone who does not need to know about it;
    3. any relevant circumstances or information they put forward taken into consideration;
    4. their matter handled with regard to procedural fairness and in accordance with principles of natural justice;
    5. the outcome of a review request provided in writing;
    6. assurance that they will not be treated differently, less favourably, or victimised because they have raised their matter.