Tuition Fee Waivers ACCA Future Game Changer Scholarship ACCA ‘FIA -1-Million’ Bursary 2nd student gets 50% off on tuition fee; OR 3rd student gets 100% off on tuition fee Terms and Conditions: Applicable for new registration in UOW Malaysia KDU College only. Applicable for FIA Full Time Course for January, May and July intake. Limited to FIRST 10 successful applicants based on first come first serve basis. Students MUST complete the program with UOW Malaysia KDU College. Withdrawal will result in the reimbursement of the waiver. Students under scholarship schemes are not entitled to this rebate. RM1000 Rebate for signing up for the ACCA FIA course Terms and Conditions: Applicable for new registration in UOW Malaysia KDU College only. Applicable for FIA Full Time Course only. Limited to FIRST 50 successful applicants Entry requirements: SPM / O Levels Minimum 5 Credits (5Cs) inclusive of Mathematics and English United Examination Certificate (UEC) Minimum 3 Credits (3Bs) inclusive of Mathematics and English Other Year 11 qualification Case by case, subject to evaluation by the School Apply Now! ACCA Accelerate Students / MIA Members 30% tuition fee waiver for ACCA Strategic Professional Level during 1st semester registration Entry requirements: For Malaysians only Must be an ACCA Accelerate Student; or a member of Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) Obtained exemption of 9 papers from ACCA New registration at UOW Malaysia KDU College Terms and Conditions: Applicable for ACCA Strategic Professional papers only. Applicable for new registration in UOW Malaysia KDU College only. Applicable for the subject(s) registered in the 1st semester only. Applicable for ACCA Full Time or Part Time Course only. Limited to FIRST 10 successful applicants for each intake based on first come first serve basis. Intakes & Application Deadlines: Intake Application deadline January intake 23 December July intake 23 June Apply Now! Special Deal for Secondary School Teachers 30% Tuition Fee waiver for secondary school teachers’ sibling or children Entry requirements: For Malaysians only Applicable for secondary school teachers’ siblings or children Terms and Conditions: For FIA full-time, ACCA full-time & part-time classes. Applicable for January, May (FIA only) & July intakes every year. Limited to FIRST 10 successful applicants per intake. Apply Now! FREE Course Re-attempt for ACCA & FIA Programs We here at UOW Malaysia KDU PAC would like to support you and give you the best chance of success in your next attempt. Therefore, PAC will be offering UOW Malaysia KDU PAC students a chance to re-take the classes for the failed subject in the immediate sitting for FREE (tuition fee). Terms & Conditions: Existing UOW Malaysia KDU PAC student. The attendance rate of at least 80% in the previous sitting. Achieve a score of at least 30% in all progress tests and mock exam. Please do not hesitate to contact us once the results are released to check with us on your eligibility to claim this offer. 50% Rebate for Exam Re-takers A 50% rebate on long term tuition fee for exam re-takers who re-attempt the same subject in the immediate sitting. Terms and Conditions: Applicable to ALL ACCA students, including non-UOW Malaysia KDU and existing UOW Malaysia KDU students. Provide latest ACCA exam status report. Tuition Fee Waiver for Returning Students Returning Students with the minimum scores stated below will be entitled to 100% tuition fee waiver for the following semester. FIA 1st 4 papers – 380 marks & above (FA1 exempted, MA1, FA2, MA2 – 285 marks & above) (pass in one sitting) 100% tuition fee waiver on the paper FBT, FMA & FFA. FBT, FMA & FFA – 270 marks & above: (pass in one sitting) 100% tuition fee waiver on the ACCA Applied Skills (3 papers). ACCA Applied Knowledge – 270 marks & above: (pass in one sitting) 100% tuition fee waiver on the ACCA Applied Skills (3 papers). Applied Skills LW, PM and TX – 240 marks & above: (pass in one sitting) 100% tuition fee waiver on the ACCA Applied Skills (remaining 3 papers). Applied Skills FR, AA and FM – 225 marks & above: (last pass in one sitting) 100% tuition fee waiver on the ACCA Strategic Professional (2 papers). Strategic Professional – 150 marks & above: (pass in one sitting) 100% tuition fee waiver on the ACCA Strategic Professional (remaining 2 papers). 100% Tuition Fee Waiver for Prize Winner 100% Tuition Fee waiver up to 3 subjects for the following intake only. Terms & Conditions: Valid for Long Terms FIA & ACCA program. Applicable to ex-students who enrolled either Long Term in the previous sitting. UOW Malaysia KDU College reserves the right to amend these T&C without prior notice. RM300 Rebate for Top Scorers The rebate will be awarded for top scorers of each subject in ACCA & FIA program. Terms & Conditions: Students are required to submit their ACCA result to the management within 2 weeks after the result is released. Valid for UOW Malaysia KDU students who registered for the long term courses. Each student is limited to a maximum of RM300 rebate on Top Scorers per semester. RM300 rebate can only be utilized in the immediate sitting for FIA or ACCA. Students under scholarship schemes are not entitled to this rebate. This rebate cannot be exchanged for cash. UOW Malaysia KDU College reserves the right to amend the Terms & Conditions without prior notice. 5% Discount for Ex-students Returning students are entitled to 5% discount on course fee when enrolling in the immediate sitting. Terms & Conditions: Valid for Long Term ACCA program. Applicable to students who enrolled in the immediate previous semester. UOW Malaysia KDU College reserves the right to amend these T&C without prior notice. 6 months 0% Instalment Plan Enjoy 6 months 0% installment for payment above RM1,000 by using Maybank, OCBC, RHB, Hong Leong or Public Bank credit cards. Terms & Conditions: Cardholder must present to authorised the payment during Bursary Department’s operating hours. UOW Malaysia KDU College reserves the right to amend these T&C without prior notice. ACCA FIA Program – For SPM, O-level Holders Grade Tuition Fee Waiver 8 A+/A* or 9 As above 100% 6 to 8 As 50% 3 to 5 As 25% Terms & Conditions: Applicant must be enrolled as a student of UOW Malaysia & pay the full first semester fee to be eligible to apply for the scholarship. For applications using trial results, applicants must meet the minimum entry requirements of the program in the actual results to be eligible for the scholarship. To maintain the same Tuition Fee Waiver in the next semester, the scholars must pass all the subjects enrolled in the current semester in the first attempt. Subject to enroll in each of the semester: Semester Subjects FIA 1st semester 5 subjects FIA 2nd semester 4 subjects Intakes & Application Deadlines: Intake ACCA – FIA Jan 2024 23 December 2023 May 2024 15 May 2024 July 2024 23 June 2024 ACCA Program – For UEC, STPM, A-level, Matriculation, Diploma in Accounting Holders UEC (5 subjects) STPM A-Level Matriculation / Foundation / Diploma in Accounting Tuition Fee Waiver 5 points 4 A+s 4 A*s 4.00 100% 6 – 10 points 4 As 4 As 3.90 80% 11 – 13 points 3 As 3 As 3.75 40% 14 – 15 points 1 to 2 As 1 to 2 As 3.60 20% Terms & Conditions: Applicant must be enrolled as a student of UOW Malaysia & pay the full first semester fee to be eligible to apply for the scholarship. For applications using trial results, applicants must meet the minimum entry requirements of the program in the actual results to be eligible for the scholarship. To maintain the same Tuition Fee Waiver in the next semester, the scholars must pass all the subjects enrolled in the current semester in the first attempt. Subject to enroll in each of the semester: Semester Subjects ACCA 1st semester BT, MA, FA (3 subjects) ACCA 2nd semester LW, PM, TX (3 subjects) ACCA 3rd semester FR, AA, FM (3 subjects) ACCA 4th semester SBL, SBR (2 subjects) Intakes & Application Deadlines: Intake ACCA Jan 2024 23 December 2023 July 2024 23 June 2024 Apply Now!