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Dr. Cheah Swee Ting

Email: [email protected]

Dr. Cheah graduated with a PhD in Tourism and Hospitality Management from Universiti Utara Malaysia, specializing in the exploration of the traveling behavior among young Malaysians. She believes in the adage that “Knowledge is Power”.

Her passion for sharing knowledge has led her to be an educator. Complementing her lecturing career, Dr Cheah actively engages in delivering talks for Continuing Tourism Related Education, thereby strengthening continuous professional development and industry relevance.

PhD Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), 2017
Research Title: Travel Lifestyles and Outbound Tourism Intentions among Young Working Malaysians

Bachelor of Tourism Management (First Class Honours) Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), 2010

Year Title
2022 Cheah, S. T., Chen, Y.T., & Abdullah, A.R. (2022, September 1-3). A pilot study on Malaysians’ intentions to travel virtually. Paper presented at International Conference on Responsible Tourism and Hospitality, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Abdullah, A.R., Cheah, S., Mulia, V.B., & Fatah, I.A.A. (2019). Factors attracting Indonesian medical tourists to Penang. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 1-10.

Lim, K.C., Cheah, S.T., Alananzeh, O.A., & Khor, P.H. (2019). Perception of risk and outbound tourism travel intentions among young working Malaysians. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 46(1), 365-379.

2016 Lim, K.C., Cheah, S.T., & Kayat, K. (2016, July 5-7). Perceptions of risk and travel intentions: the case of young Malaysians and outbound tourism. Paper presented at Global Hospitality, Tourism Marketing & Management Conference, Seoul, South Korea.

Lim, K.C., Ramli, K.I., Yusof, N.S., & Cheah, S.T. (2015). Examining young Malaysians travel behaviour and expenditure patterns in domestic tourism. Asian Social Science, 11(9), 77-88. doi: 10.5539/ass.v11n9p77

Cheah, S.T., Lim, K.C., & Kayat, K. (2015). Travel lifestyles and outbound tourism intentions of young Malaysians. American Journal of Tourism Management, 4(2), 40-42. doi: 10.5923/j.tourism.20150402.03

Cheah, S.T., Lim, K.C., & Kayat, K. (2015, June 27-29). Travel lifestyles and outbound tourism intentions of young Malaysians. Paper presented at Global Hospitality, Tourism Marketing & Management Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.

2014 – 2012

Cheah, S.T., Lim, K.C., & Kayat, K. (2014, May 21-24). The moderating effects of personal characteristics and perceived risks on the relationship between travel lifestyles and outbound tourism intentions among young Malaysians. Paper presented at 12th Asia-Pacific CHRIE Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Cheah, S.T., Lim, K.C., & Kayat, K. (2012, November 23-24). Young Malaysians’ travel lifestyles and intentions: the moderating effects of personal characteristics and perceived risks. Paper presented at Tourism and Hospitality International Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


Duration: September 2021 – September 2023
Title: Development of a Framework on the Synergy between Fishing Communities and Coastal Ecotourism to Counter Land Reclamation and Sand Mining Activities.
Sponsors/Grant: FRGS Grant worth RM73,594 (REF: FRGS/1/2021/WAB01/KDUPG/03/1)
Role: Co-researcher

Duration: September 2022 – September 2024
Title: Assessing Potential Tourism Site at Bukit Tengah to Promote Sustainability and Economic Opportunity to the B40 Communities – A Weighted Score Method and Principal Component Analysis Approach.
Sponsors/Grant: FRGS Grant worth RM80,000 (REF: FRGS/1/2022/SS10/KDUPG/02/2)
Role: Co-researcher