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Ts Dr Cheng Xiau San

Email: [email protected]

Dr. Cheng Xiau San is the senior lecturer at the School of Engineering, University of Wollongong Malaysia.

She graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Applied Physics from the University of Malaya. Before joining academia, she was an Optical Engineer for a camera modules company and had developed various optical tests for product characterization from design to the manufacturing stage. She obtained a PhD degree in Engineering from the University of Malaya in 2013, researching Photonics devices, optical fiber laser, and amplifier.

She is a member of the Optical Society of Malaysia and the Malaysia Institute of Physics. She serves as a technical program and publication committee member of a few conferences in the area of Photonics. To date, she has published several articles in journals and conferences on her work. Her research interests include ultrafast laser, optical fiber sensing, and mid-infrared laser generation.

PhD in Engineering University of Malaya (UM), 2009-2013
Research Title: Wideband Bismuth-Based Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier Validation Framework

Master of Science in Applied Physics University of Malaya (UM), 2004-2006
Research Title: Multi-wavelength Brillouin Erbium Fiber laser for DWDM System

BSc (Hons) Applied Physics University of Malaya (UM), 2001-2004
Research Title: Digital Speckle Pattern Interferometry for Non-destructive Testing

Year Title
2023 Journal Publications

Chi, M., Lip, Z.H., Rosol, A.H.A. et al. Passive Q-Switching of a Cladding Pumped Erbium–Ytterbium Co-Doped Fiber Laser Induced by the Kerr Effect. J Russ Laser Res, 44, pp.585-589, 2023.

Tan Jun Wei, Lip Zhan Hong, Sulaiman Wadi Harun, and Cheng Xiau San, “PANDA Fiber Sagnac Interferometer for Temperature Sensor Application”, J. Adv. Res. Appl. Sci. Eng. Tech., vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 316–323, Oct. 2023.

Lip Zhan Hong, Tan Sin Jin, Sulaiman Wadi Harun, and Cheng Xiau San, “Double-Brillouin Frequency Spacing Multi-Wavelength Brillouin Erbium Fiber Laser in Double Cavities Configuration”, J. Adv. Res. Appl. Sci. Eng. Tech., vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 52–58, Oct. 2023.

Seong Hong Chang, Sin Jin Tan, Abdulkadir Mukhtar Diblawe, Zian Cheak Tiu, Xiau San Cheng, Fauzan Ahmad and Sulaiman Wadi Harun, “Optical modulation in Er-doped fiber laser delivering dark pulse utilizing side polished fiber coated with Ti3AlC2 as saturable absorber”, Materials Research Express, Volume 10, Number 9, 2023.

2021 Journal Publications

A Ahmad, MFA Rahman, MAM Johari, AA Latiff, MH Jali, HHM Yusof, XS Cheng, AR Muhammad, SW Harun, “Hafnium Bismuth Erbium Co-Doped Fiber Based Dark Pulses Generation With Black Phosphorus As Saturable Absorber”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 2075 012018, 2021.

2020 Journal Publications

A Ahmad, AHA Rosol, MQ Lokman, XS Cheng, MC Paul, A Dhar, S Das, “Multi-wavelength Comb Generated by the Four Wave Mixing Using Highly Nonlinear Hafnium Bismuth Erbium-Doped Fiber”, Journal Fotonik, Vol 1, pp 18-23, 2020.

S. J. Tan, Z.C. Tiu, X. S. Cheng, H. Ahmad, “All fiber temperature sensor based on TMD Alloy coated tapered fiber”, 2020 IEEE 8th International Conference on Photonics (ICP), 2020.

Aya A Almukhtar, Alabbas A Al-Azzawi, XS Cheng, PH Reddy, A Dhar, MC Paul, H. Ahmad, SW Harun, “Enhanced Triple-pass Hybrid Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier using Distribution Pumping Scheme in a Dual-stage Configuration”, Optik, Volume 204, 164191, 2020.

2019 Journal Publications

Aya A Almukhtar, Alabbas A Al-Azzawi, BA Ahmad, XS Cheng, PH Reddy, A Dhar, MC Paul, H Ahmad, SW Harun, “Flat-gain and wide-band partial double-pass erbium co-doped fiber amplifier with hybrid gain medium”, Optical Fiber Technology, Vol 52, 101952, 2019.

Aminah Ahmad, Xiau S. Cheng, Mukul C.Paul, Anirban Dhar, Shyamal Das, Harith Ahmad, Sulaiman W. Harun, “Self-generating Brillouin Fiber laser using highly nonlinear hafnium bismuth erbium-doped fiber”, Microwave and optical Technology Letters 61 (6), 1651-1655, 2019.

Refereed Proceedings

MFM Rusdi, XS Cheng, AA Latiff, AHA Rosol, MT Ahmad, MFA Rahman, SW Harun, “Q-switched Thulium-doped fibre laser using Bismuth (III) Telluride-based saturable absorber”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 1371, 012008, 2019.

AA Almukhtar, AA Al-Azzawi, XS Cheng, MC Paul, H Ahmad, SW Harun, “ The effect of 980 nm and 1480 nm pumping on the performance of newly Hafnium Bismuth Erbium-doped fiber amplifier”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1151 (1), 012013, 2019.

SJ Tan, H Haris, XS Cheng, SW Harun, “Mode-locked Pulsed Fiber Laser with Graphene Solution as Saturable Absorber Deposited in Photonic Crystal Fiber”, 2019 18th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN). 2019.

2018 Journal Publications

A.A.Latiff, X.S.Cheng, M.F.M.Rusdi, M.C.Paul, S.W.Harun, and Harith Ahmad “Molybdenum disulfide saturable absorber for eye-safe mode-locked fiber laser generation”, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials, Vol 27, No.1, 2018.

Aminah Ahmad, Xiau S. Cheng, Mukul C.Paul, Anirban Dhar, Shyamal Das, Harith Ahmad, Sulaiman W. Harun, “Investigation of Brillouin effect in highly nonlinear hafnium bismuth erbium doped fiber”, Microwave and optical Technology Letters, vol 61, 173-177, 2018.




Duration: 2023-2025
Title:  Photonic-based Microwave Generation for 5G Technology
Sponsors/Grant: UOW Malaysia Research Grant (RM 20,232)



Duration: 2022-2024
Title:  Nonlinear optical properties study of two dimensional Mxene based optical modulation and information processing for optical interconnect application in the new era of Internet of Things (IoT)
Sponsors/Grant: FRGS grant scheme of Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia (RM 100,824)

Duration: 2022-2024
Title:  Investigation of optical properties of 2-D saturable absorber for 2um mode locked fiber laser generation.
Sponsors/Grant: UOW Malaysia Research Grant (RM 26,500)



Duration: 2021-2024
Title:  Optical properties study of fluoride glass-based fiber operating in 2-4-micron region for MIR laser spectroscopy and medical laser application.
Sponsors/Grant: FRGS grant scheme of Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia (RM 95,800)



Duration: 2020-2022
Title:  Optical Modulator Based on Tapered Fiber coated with 2D Material
Sponsors/Grant: UOW Malaysia Research Grant (RM 50,000)



Duration: 2018-2020
Title:  Ultra short mode-locked pulse fiber laser
Sponsors/Grant: UOW Malaysia Research Grant (RM 20,000)


Appointments as Keynote Speaker
5th International Conference on Science and Innovated Engineering 2022



Appointments as Journal Reviewer
Journal Photonic
Journal Optoelectronics



Appointments as Journal Reviewer
IEEE Access



Appointments as Key Note Speaker
2nd Photonics Meeting 2019
University Technology MARA Terengganu

PhD Thesis: Compact Optical Amplifier, nonlinear fiber laser and pulse generation with Hafnia-bismuth Erbium co-doped fiber (2018-2021)
Aminah Binti Ahmad (co-supervised with Professor Sulaiman, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya)

Masters Dissertation: Advancements in Fiber Laser generation for Mid-Infrared Applications: A Focus on 2μm and 3μm Wavelengths (2021-present)
Lip Zhan Hong

Masters Dissertation: Investigation of optical properties of 2-D saturable absorber for 2µm mode locked fiber laser generation (2021-present)
Tan Wei Jean

Professional Membership
Professional Technologist Malaysia
Malaysia Institute of Physics
Optical Society of Malaysia (OSM)

UOW Global Innovation Award 2022 (School of Engineering Tech Savvy Team)
UOW Malaysia Research Excellence Award 2023