The Student Entrepreneur Programme is a UOW Malaysia KDU Penang University College initiative to promote student-initiated business start-ups before students graduating. The Student Entrepreneur will be operated and managed entirely by the students. Students can offer products or services related to their field of studies to industry and/or the public to gain unique experience and learning opportunities. The actual professional project work and/or managing new start-ups are expected to add valuable practical experience to their knowledge and skills. This initiative will bridge the gap between academia and industry and bringing the real business world to campus.
List of Workshops:
Business Plan & Pitching Workshop Date: 27 June 2019 Time: 09:30 am – 12:00 pm Venue: Lecture Theatre 2 Speaker: Mr. Geoffrey Tan
Financial, Equity & Breakeven Analysis Date: 13 June 2019 Time: 09:30 am – 12:00 pm Venue: Lecture Theatre 2 Speaker: Mr. Richard Oon
Instagram & Facebook Training Date:16 May 2019 Time: 9:30 am – 12 pm Venue: Lecture Theatre 2 Speaker: Niel Tan
Registering a Start-Up & Taxation Date:25 April 2019 Time: 9 am – 12 pm Venue: Auditorium Speaker: Puan Zuraida Binti Abd Majid
Guidelines to a Successful Pitch Date:21 November 2018 Time: 10 am – 12 pm Venue: Room 305 Speaker: Mr. Geoffrey Tan, Chief Executive Officer of Geob International Sdn Bhd
Business and Financial 101 for Entrepreneurs & Technopreneurs Date:24 October 2018 Time: 9.30am – 12pm Venue: Hall 7A Speaker: Mr. Richard Oon, National Tax Director ShineWing TYTEOH
Sharing by Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia Pulau Pinang (SSM) Date:3 October 2018 Time: 10am – 12pm Venue: Hall 7A Speaker: Encik Rashidi from Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia Pulau Pinang (SSM)
Good Marketing or Bad Marketing Date:12 September 2018 Time: 10am – 11.30am Venue: Hall 7A Speaker: Mr Zim Ng, Managing Director of Formedic Technologies Sdn Bhd
Best Business Idea Competition Date:18 July 2018 Time: 2.30pm Venue: Lecture Theatre 3
Guidelines to a Successful Pitch Date:11 July 2018 Time: 1.30pm – 4.30pm Venue: Lecture Theatre 3 Speaker: Mr. Geoffrey Tan, Chief Executive Officer of Geob International Sdn Bhd
Business and Financial 101 for Entrepreneurs & Technopreneurs Date:6 June 2018 Time: 1.30pm – 3.30pm Venue: Lecture Theatre 3 Speaker: Mr. Richard Oon, National Tax Director ShineWing TYTEOH
Life as a Young Successful Entrepreneur Date: 16 May 2018 Time: 1.30pm – 4.30pm Venue: Lecture Theatre 3 Speaker: Ms. Jazz Tan, Chief Executive Officer of YToday Sdn Bhd (Youths
Facebookpreneurship Date:2 May 2018 Time: 1.30pm – 3.30pm Venue: Lecture Theatre 3 Speaker: Ms. Zoel Ng, CEO of Urban CEO Sdn Bhd
Now Everybody Can Sell Online by Date: 26 February 2018 Time: 10.00am – 1.00pm Venue: Room 305 Speaker: Ms. Felicia Mah Phui Mun and Mr. Muhammad Hafiz bin Johar of
Facebook Integrated Marketing Date: 5 February 2018 Time: 10.00am – 12.00pm Venue: Room 305 Speaker: Ms. Thing Khor, Chief Executive Officer of Zalla Marketing Sdn Bhd