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UOW Malaysia believes in “People Inspire People”


Listen to the stories from some of our ACCA affiliates who are celebrated for the inspiration they brought to each other.

Elisya Qaisara Johan

1st in the world (FA1)

My success does not come from my hard work alone, it comes from my mindset, my environment, my luck and ultimately it all comes from God’s decision.

Muhammad Darwisy Hazim Azhan

1st in the world (FA2)

My father is my biggest inspiration of all. He once quoted, “Don’t think WHY I can’t, but think of HOW I can.” This has always been my strength and motivation throughout my life, and I applied it for my studies as well.

Muhammad Amir Naufal Razali

1st in the world (MA2)

Disregarding your ability when you haven’t even tried is nothing but a betrayal towards yourself. You’ll never know how much you’re capable of achieving unless you put your all into it. So, keep moving forward and spare no effort until you’re proud of yourself.

Adam Elyas Izwan Zannie

1st in the world (FA1)

The power of Myth: Great people make difficult things in life look easy. If you feel as if the obstacles in your way are immovable, go look to those who’ve been there before and you will realize that, instead of thinking that an obstacle is in the way, they see the obstacle as the way. The way to learn. The way to grow.

Arisa Nadine Binti Norhisham

FIA FA2 & MA2 Malaysia Prize Winner

December 2022 Exam Sitting
Malaysia – 1st Placing  /  Worldwide – 2nd Placing

To all the current and future students who are going to take the professional papers, here are some studying methods that might be helpful:

  1. Utilize all available sources not only on the ACCA platform but also on common platforms such as YouTube and Quora. I personally find it easier to understand things by learning from these platforms. There are many knowledgeable people on the internet that could help you in your studies, just don’t be lazy to look for it.
  2. Practice A LOT and learn from where you are lacking.
  3. Separate your study time and social time, everyone deserves a break sometimes and while you’re at it enjoy it at its fullest.

Chee Fei Yin

ACCA FR World Prize Winner – December 2021 Exam Sitting

To current and future ACCA students, here are some exam tips that will be useful for you:

  1. Read each question and instruction carefully to avoid missing important information.
  2. Present the solutions in a neat and clear format
  3. Before answering, organize the answers in advance to prevent confusion and inconsistencies, as well as omitting key points.

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Chong Yee Seng

FA2 World Prize Winner (100 marks) – September 2021 Exam Sitting
MA2 World Prize Winner (98 marks) – September 2021 Exam Sitting

My preparation for exams consists of:

Comprehension & Practice

Comprehension & Practice

Comprehension & Practice


Filzah Binti Razak

(Peneraju Profesional Pensijilan Perakaunan Scholar)

ACCA APM Prize Winner – September 2021 Exam Sitting
Malaysia – 1st Placing  /  Worldwide – 7th Placing

There are no secrets to preparing for the exam, just clocking in the hours to revise the syllabus, reading technical articles and examiners’ reports.

I also highly recommend making use of the CBE Practice Platforms provided by ACCA.

Last but not least, practice full set exam questions under timed conditions to improve time management during the exam!

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Mohammad Annuar Bin Idrus

(Peneraju Profesional Pensijilan Perakaunan Scholar)

ACCA SBL Malaysia Prize Winner (World #7) for March 2020 examination

SBL Study Tips:

  1. Emphasize on the technique to answer the exam (very important for SBL)
  2. Understand, not merely memorizing the concepts and facts
  3. Focus in class (don’t play with phone too much)
  4. Go out and have fun sometimes (good time management for work, study, social life etc)

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Tan Yue Jian

CAT MA1 Prize Winner –  World 1st placing for March 2019 examination

Pay attention during the lecture and spend some time to do revision.

Practice makes perfect, besides doing the revision kit given in the lectures, I also practice extra questions from the other approved learning publisher books.

Never try never know. When I have set a target, it motivates me to work hard to achieve it.

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Khoo Jia En

CAT MA1 Prize Winner – 1st placing in Malaysia (World 2nd) for March 2018 examination
CAT MA2 Prize Winner – 1st placing in Malaysia (World 2nd) for June 2018 examination

I prepared for every sitting of my examination like any conventional way of studying for exam.

Everything goes back to basic: –

In class: Listen, Pay attention, Take notes.
At home: Study, Revision
Other times: Never hesitate to ask the lecturer when having any doubts relating to the subjects, Sleep early and wake up early.

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Tieh Jien Hern 

(PAC Club Vice President 2017)

CAT Top Scorer June 2016 –  FMA 99%, FFA 98% , FTX 89% , FFM 87%

I’m a firm believer that you get what you put in and never expect more unless you’re willing to contribute more. This applies to all situation but not to everyone. If you put 100% effort to memorise but understand nothing about the knowledge, it is a total waste of time as you do not know how to apply the knowledge.

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Loy Hui Eng

(PAC Club President 2016)

ACCA F5 Prize Winner – 1st placing in Malaysia for December 2015 examination

As I am actively involved in PAC Club events, tackling time management could be a struggle. The key to achieve a balance is accuracy and speed.

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Chua Qin Eion

ACCA P2 Prize Winner – 1st placing in Malaysia for December 2014 examination

For those of you who are studying ACCA and working at the same time, it can be very challenging but rewarding at the same time. We are in a unique position to learn in theory and see it in practice. Having said that, avoid the “study to pass” trap and enjoy the journey of learning.

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Loy Hui Eng

CAT MA1 Prize Winner – World 1st placing for June 2014 examination

Love what you’re doing, and it will be easier. Having personal interest in the course that you chose to take up definitely helps.

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Cho Wei Chuen

ACCA F8 Prize Winner – 1st placing in Malaysia for Dec 2012 examination

F8 is a challenging subject because most students would prefer computation subject rather than theoretical subject. There are a lot to understand and to learn, but I believe it will contribute to my career. Mr Joey is a nice lecturer. He is both helpful and resourceful.

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Cui Mei

ACCA Affiliates in June 2013
CAT T10 Prize Winner – 1st placing in Malaysia for Dec 2010 examination 

I have studied for all my CAT and ACCA papers at UOW Malaysia KDU. The approachable and knowledgeable lecturers, together with helpful support staff, made the whole process so much easier and enjoyable.

acca malaysia
Siti Hajar Salehuddin

June 2023 exam sitting

My favorite part of studying at UOW Malaysia is its people. I was privileged to form strong bonds with my inspiring and passionate lecturers, friends from diverse backgrounds who shared the same end goal, and the PAC team, who I am truly grateful for their unwavering assistance throughout my academic journey.

acca malaysia
Muhammad Faliq Haziq

June 2023 exam sitting

My favorite part about studying in UOW Malaysia was the recorded lectures. The flexibility of being able to access the class recordings allowed me to revise at my own pace and convenience. The lecturers were also incredibly knowledgeable and well-prepared. They were always willing to address any doubts and provided valuable insights beyond the course materials.

acca malaysia
Nur Faraheen Binti Junisman

June 2023 exam sitting

As a part-time student working as a full-time auditor, my schedule is packed. Most of the time, PAC is very helpful in distributing notes where we may take the notes even on Sundays. The lecturers also helps the students with recorded lectures, which is a huge bonus when it comes to revising.

acca malaysia
Chong Je Yin

June 2023 exam sitting

The number of times you’ve faced failure in your exams shouldn’t be a source of fear. What truly matters is the lessons you derive from those failures. Embarking on your ACCA journey requires determination; once started, it’s important to persist and not give up halfway. Observing progress serves as a significant motivator, instills happiness, enhances self-esteem, and contributes to personal growth.

acca malaysia
Chee Fei Yin

June 2023 exam sitting

Studying ACCA can be challenging, but with a positive attitude, persistence, and discipline, you can overcome it. Focus on studying smart rather than just studying hard. However, if you want to unleash your full potential, strive to ‘study hard smartly’.

acca malaysia
Jufri Basil Ang

June 2023 exam sitting

There are two things I hold much gratitude for in my ACCA journey. One is my friend, and the other, was UOW Malaysia. Without the support of its outstanding lecturers, I wouldn’t have been able to pass all the ACCA papers in my first attempt. Their dedication was incomparable, and their expertise was boundless. They do not just prepare you for your exam, they make sure you understand.

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Nur Haidah Norzani

December 2022 exam sitting

My favorite part of studying at UOW Malaysia is the lectures! It was delivered in simple language and the slides are easy to understand. The lecturers are supportive and helpful!

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Alif Hilmi Bin Hashim

December 2022 exam sitting

One of my favorite things about studying in UOW Malaysia is the lecturers. They are reputable and were extremely helpful throughout my studies. The other thing is the facilities. The classrooms, library and especially the hostel provided a good study environment for the two and a half years I spent here.

acca malaysia
Koay Xin Mun

December 2022 exam sitting

Do not be intimidated and demotivated by the passing rate or mock exam results. There is nothing to regret if you have tried your best. Always do your best! What you plant now, you will harvest later.

acca malaysia
Amanda Cheong Yen Li

June 2022 exam sitting

I managed the study pressure by finding humor in everything, including ACCA learning contents. So, whenever I felt stagnant in my progress or stressed out in my studies, I would relate some of the contents to a joke.

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Zharif Omar Zolkefli

June 2022 exam sitting

One of the highlights of studying at UOW Malaysia even in the midst of a pandemic, was the sheer passion shown by the lecturers, in particular Ms. Mary who taught me SBR. The people around you, your family, your friends, your lecturers, can assist you as much as they want but at the end of the day it’s down to you to put in the effort and you’ll know whether you’ve given it your all or not.

acca malaysia
Tham Kian Tung

June 2022 exam sitting

Pursuing ACCA in UOW Malaysia KDU was one of the best decisions I made in my life. The lecturers here are approachable and are willing to answer queries outside the classroom. This was something I am grateful for because I can ask them questions and get the answer immediately.

Nursyazwani Binti Azis

June 2022 exam sitting

Success in ACCA requires more than theory – it’s about mastering time management, practicing exam techniques, and finding unwavering support in every corner, even from your dedicated lecturers and supportive roommates.

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Nurafrina Amirah Binti Badrol Hisham

June 2022 exam sitting

Amidst the challenges of ACCA, I found joy in every effort and tear. My simple study tips: embrace available resources, master exam techniques, and cherish your lecturers’ blessings. Stay true to yourself, savor life’s simple pleasures, and remember, ‘Thought Becomes Things’ – with a positive mindset, anything is possible!

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Ng Yen Ying

March 2022 exam sitting

Study smart rather than study hard! Remember, it’s not about rote learning, but applying knowledge to real-world cases. Stay disciplined, stay motivated, and success will follow!

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Nurul Syazwani Osman

December 2021 exam sitting

Always believe in yourself and work smart. Mingle around and make connections, it will help you in your studies as well as for your future.

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Martin Owen Lai

December 2021 exam sitting

Pursuing ACCA has enriched my life greatly. I was able to obtain a professional qualification that allows me to study almost anywhere in the world and be part of a global network of finance leaders! Lastly, I became a more disciplined and mentally strong person. I am certain that I will be able to break through any obstacles that stand in my way.

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Nurul Izzati Misran

December 2021 exam sitting

There is no secret to passing your exams. Just remember to pay attention in class and do not be afraid to ask questions. It is also a must to practice past year questions under simulated exam conditions. This helps in ensuring that you are familiar with the actual exam environment.

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Noor Syafina Abd Wahab

December 2021 exam sitting

Know your strengths and address your weaknesses.

Find a study method that suits you best (visual, audio learning etc.)

PRACTICE past year questions and exam techniques.

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Dinesh Mahendran

September 2021 exam sitting

My advice for current and future ACCA students would be to practice past year papers and master the techniques on how to answer the questions. Moreover, start revising early and ALWAYS seek clarification from the lecturers if you are unsure of something.

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Nur Husnina Binti Abdol Malek

September 2021 exam sitting

Ensure to make full use of your time to work hars & play hard! Always believe in yourself & do not give up! If you think you can do it, you can. Period.

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Khoo Jia En

September 2021 exam sitting

Learn & master exam techniques.

Familiarize yourself with the CBE platform before attempting your exam.

Try out different studying styles and figure out a method which suits you best.

Practicing past years’ questions is a sure-fire way to understanding   concepts & applying it in exams.

Immediately revise after class. If there is something you do not understand, do not hesitate to ask your lecturer.

Do not skip progress tests and mock exam as these are good opportunities to practice time management.

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Nurul Amaani Binti Sharunudin 

September 2021 exam sitting

Remember that it is not about your failures or how fast you complete the papers, but more on how much knowledge & understanding you can obtain from the course. Building a proper mindset & applying the knowledge you have learned in real-life situations is what ACCA is about.

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Pavitraa A/P R. Nantha Kumar

September 2021 exam sitting

My secret tip to pass ACCA exams is not to wait until the last minute to prepare for the exams. Start early and be consistent throughout each semester.

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Fatin Nabiha Binti E Shamsuddin

September 2021 exam sitting

Always keep in mind the reasons you started and go to great lengths to accomplish your objectives! Make the most of the various ACCA resources available to you. You can ace the exam with flying colours if you devote sufficient time & effort into studying. Additionally, having sufficient information & an effective exam strategy contributes to achieving excellent score.

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Hariprasad Chettiar A/L Nadarajah

March 2020 exam sitting

UOW Malaysia KDU is by far one of the best colleges I have ever been in for my ACCA tuition. I really enjoyed the teachers in the department as they are very dedicated and experienced in their subjects and I could approach any of them anytime with my ACCA problems and they are willing to help as quickly as possible.

I really liked this as I believe no other colleges have teachers that are as passionate and dedicated to their subjects and students as them.

Lim Sook Theng

March 2020 exam sitting

Yes, ACCA is not easy at all but I believe that once you’ve found your personal study styles, then you are on track! Non-stop practices on past years questions will definitely help and please do not have the habit of revising last minute, it will crack your head!

Khoe Poh Lian

March 2020 exam sitting

Do not be afraid of change. It is fine to pursue ACCA even if you are a pure science student like me. It is never too late to follow your dreams, and there is no time like the present to start.

Lim Shaun Ming

December 2019 exam sitting

The most challenging thing would be to handle many tasks and responsibilities at once. However, with the Kanban mentality I learnt from APM (also Mr. Chan) I managed to pull through and blossom into an ACCA passing butterfly.

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Nazirah Binti Osman

December 2019 exam sitting

UOW Malaysia KDU provide me a conducive place to study with full facilities. Lecture support, management support and other scholar support always embracing change and shaping my ACCA journey.

I really enjoy every weekend I spend at UOW Malaysia KDU and being a part time student is a lifestyle for me.

Sophia Lee Ren Huey

September 2019 exam sitting

At first, I was skeptical as I was told that studying accounts was only about numbers. However, after taking the first few foundation papers, I realised that ACCA was not all about figures but included other aspects such as taxation, audit and strategic planning.

Through this course, I have learned the true meaning of perseverance and hard work. There were countless times where I stumbled and fell but my God, family and friends were my driving force that led me to where I am today. Never lose hope and you’ll soon discover that the finish line is not far behind!

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Lee Vinxi

June 2019 exam sitting

My most memorable experience has got to be when I represented KDU to participate in the National Inter-Varsity Accounting Quiz (NIVAQ) with my close friends in our last year of studies.

The way I see it, our team performed splendidly and we had so much fun we were all smiles during the two days of competition! I’m proud to say that we were placed first runner-up. In view of no one has done it before, it feels like it’s a milestone we have achieved together with PAC.

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Tan Tze Yuan

June 2019 exam sitting

For sure improving your career prospects sound tempting enough but ACCA is not just that, ACCA also trained me how to reach certain stage of maturity to manage my finances, time and emotions well.

With half the money and time required to complete the course compared to other programs, I believe I found my “short cuts”.

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Soong Mei Yi

December 2018 exam sitting

ACCA is definitely going to require a lot of effort and hard work but what doesn’t in life? There are always going to be tough times regardless of what you do in life so never give up and never stop believing in yourself.

The difficulties that you face will make you more determined to achieve your goals and to win against the odds.

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Ashwini Rajakumar

September 2018 exam sitting

Despite financial difficulties and having failed exams, I managed to make it through perseverance. This journey has made me stronger mentally and emotionally, to be able to pick myself up and keep going on despite the pressure and judgement from the rest.

Yes, I totally have to agree with her that ‘We learned through experiences. Believe in yourself, keep trying and you will get there one day!

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Cheah Jie Lam

June 2018 exam sitting

Being a little special as compared to normal scholarships, I was given a year to complete my Professional Level of ACCA before going over to BDO as an Audit Associate.

On top of being offered a job, all my fees incurred during the final year of my studies were born by BDO. I had no need to worry over competition to secure a job later on nor tire myself out over working full-time while study part-time.

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Siti Eva

June 2018 exam sitting

After I became a full-fledged ACCA member, I handed my resume to a potential employer and they remarked ‘Wow, ACCA!’ The reaction made my heart skipped a beat, knowing that all the hard work has paid off and I have made it.

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Ahmad Hisyam

December 2017 exam sitting

Studying while working may ramp up the pressure as you need to be disciplined in balancing your workload with studying, and with your personal life too.

It is called professional level for a reason. It isn’t meant to be easy, but to say that it can NEVER be achieved is an overstatement.

Mohamed Safee

December 2017 exam sitting

I chose KDU for its quality lecturers. They are so helpful and always there for us, even after classes.

Their experience in the accounting world make the lecture so interesting. I am glad to say that I was never disappointed.

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Hazirah Packirgani

March 2017 exam sitting

No doubt, the ACCA journey is definitely a rollercoaster ride but that doesn’t mean you should quit easily. Always stay strong and focus on your goals. When you are focused, you will definitely achieve what you want in your life.

There would be times when you would feel like dropping everything and quit, but just remember that you’ve gone this far and it would be a waste to give up at this part in your life.

Yeo May Yi

June 2017 exam sitting

I have not found studying ACCA to be that difficult. It is really about practicing more past year’s questions, reading up examiners’ articles, etc. This can improve our chances of doing well.

I believe when one is committed and have a strong desire to succeed, nothing is insurmountable regardless of the course that one chooses.

Chin Chee Liang

June 2017 exam sitting

ACCA may be a challenge for all of you, same goes for me but with the effort that you put in, it will be worthwhile when you become an ACCA Affiliate.

I’ve failed during my ACCA studies but I’ve learned that it is okay to make mistakes as long as you learn from them. Just remember to pick yourself up and improve yourself, then without a doubt, you are sure to achieve success.

Yap Yee Shian

December 2016 exam sitting

Never give up! You won’t fall if you don’t climb, but you will not able to enjoy the sense of achievement for reaching the top.

Focus on your ultimate goal, keep going and eventually you will reach there.

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Lee Gim Thong

December 2016 exam sitting

To all my fellow ACCA friends, success does not come easily. You have to work hard to achieve what you want. PRACTICE is key in helping you familiarise yourself with the paper.

It is important for you to prepare early for the exam: if you fail to prepare early, then there is an increased chance to fail the exam.

Tham Kian Fei

December 2016 exam sitting

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. The fruition will always come after all of our efforts and commitments.

Excellent time management skills will undoubtedly be significant in passing all the ACCA exams in first attempt.

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December 2016 exam sitting

I had a great time studying in KDU College and I had awesome friends throughout the journey. They helped me in my studies as well as a shoulder for me to lean on.

ACCA has never been easy for me but nothing is impossible and today I am writing this article because I have made it. So why can’t you?

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Boey Kar Mun

December 2016 exam sitting

“Work hard, Play hard” is the motto I always cling to. I know it is cliché, but it truly works.

We must always aspire to strike a balance in whatever things we do, though achieving this balance is never easy.

Ng Pui San

June 2016 exam sitting

Never be afraid to push your limits and always aim for the moon, chances are if you missed you would fall among the stars.

Be discipline and focus on your goal, but remember to enjoy the journey.

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Kimberly Chin Kim Li

June 2016 exam sitting

You will most probably hear from many that ACCA is a “high difficulty level” course. True, the route in acquiring a professional qualification is tough and challenging.

Even so, I can assure you that ACCA is definitely doable. Last piece of advice: Accept ACCA as a challenge, have faith and believe you can do it.

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Iis Sahanaya

December 2015 exam sitting

I was certain that I wanted to study ACCA because it is globally recognised and it is one of the leading professional accountancy bodies in the world.

My studies was an enriching experience and I’m glad that I have made the right choice.

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Soh Sin Yearn

December 2015 exam sitting

I was awarded with scholarships in pursuance of CAT and ACCA. The reason I have chosen ACCA is that it is a well-recognised professional accountancy body over the globe.

Further to that, ACCA qualification is also one of the most flexible and fastest pathways for me to achieve my dreams.

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June 2015 exam sitting

As a high school leaver with below average grades, taking up a professional course seemed impossible.

Passing ACCA papers on the 1st attempt is never as tough as you imagine. If efforts are put in, it will guarantee success.

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Kok Wei Ming

December 2014 exam sitting

I believe in ‘no pain, no gain’. Every student must work hard towards passing the qualification. There is no shortcut.

Make sure you lay a solid foundation in the fundamental papers so that you are ready to tackle the professional papers.

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Tan Jun Meng

December 2014 exam sitting

Never give up! Failure is temporary, but defeat is permanent. The moment you give up is the moment you are defeated.

There is no foolproof method to passing. What worked for me is practice and more practice.

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Kow Jian Foong

December 2014 exam sitting

Time management is a key factor that contributed to my success of becoming an ACCA Affiliate.

A tip for passing the exam that I can give is to study consistently, and try to summarise the knowledge in your own words for better understanding.

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Ng Kah Yeng

 June 2014 exam sitting

Conquering ACCA is not only knowledge focus but also mental toughness. Never give up trying and learning, be confident enough to do the best.

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