Associate Professor Dr. Roselina Johari Bt Md. Khir Email: [email protected] Associate Professor Dr. Roselina Johari Bt Md. Khir, is a lecturer of Performing Arts (Drama) and Drama in Education in ASWARA and University Malaya. She is currently a Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor at the School of Communications and Creative Arts at the University of Wollongong Malaysia, where she specializes in Entertainment Arts. Her work at the University of Wollongong Malaysia is particularly renowned for its innovative approach to performance and interdisciplinary learning. Each year, Dr. Roselina supervises final-year students through public performances that highlight their academic progress. These performances have included a diverse range of productions such as Greek theatre combined with Malay traditional arts, historical plays incorporating silat and traditional Malay dances, a musical featuring Elvis Presley’s song, Japanese kyogen, and experimental plays. In addition to directing and curating these performances, Dr. Roselina teaches playwriting and scriptwriting, empowering students to develop their own creative works for the stage. Qualifications PhD (Kursi P. Ramlee at Akademi Seni dan Warisan Negara), 2016 Research Title: The Interaction Between the Young and Theatre Through the Musical People of the Forest Master (University of Indiana, USA), 1976 Research Title: Malaysian Playwrights Writing in English Bachelor (University of Malaya), 1971 Research & Publications Year Title 2023 BOOKS Roselina M. K (2017) Kumpulan Drama Kanak-Kanak: Selendang Sakti. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka ARTICLES IN ACADEMIC JOURNALS Roselina Khir, Murina Pawanteh, (2023) Virtual and real-life experience of site -specific performance according to emotion and sense of presence. Impac Proceeding 2022 ARTICLES IN ACADEMIC JOURNALS Lena Farida Hussain Chin, Roselina Johari Md. Khir, Nadhilah Suhaimi (2022) Tabuik: From Ritual Diaspora to Tourism Performance in Minang Pariaman. International Journal of Academic Research, page 794-806. ISSN 2222-6990: Roselina Khir, Murina Pawanteh, Ahmad S. Lajis, John Stephens (2022) Empowering Informal Learning and Soft-Skill Enrichment through an Arts -based Project of Animation among Secondary School students 2021 ARTICLES IN ACADEMIC JOURNALS Murina P. Roselina JMK. (2021) Survival on the skin: Communicating Iban’s Cultural Identity through Tattoos Jurai sembah e-ISSN 2716-5523 2020 ARTICLES IN ACADEMIC JOURNALS Roselina JMK, (2020) Developing Theatre for the Young in Malaysia: Benefits and Challenges. Jurai Sembah, vol 1(1) (18-24) e-ISSN 2716-5523 Roselina JMK, Murina, P., John, M (2020). Improving Oral Skills through Readers Theatre among Foreign Learners, Jurai Sembah, 1(1) 2019 ARTICLES IN ACADEMIC JOURNALS Md. Khir, R, Pawanteh, M., Stephens, J., & Alhabshi SM, S. F. (2019). Puppetry as A Platform for Body Safety Awareness Campaign. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 6(10) 163-172. Copyright © Society for Science and Education, United Kingdom 163 2018 ARTICLES IN ACADEMIC JOURNALS Roselina Johari Khir Johari, Lorraine Symanco (2018) Communication and Language Development in Early Childhood Education in Malaysia, Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies, Bloomsbury publication. 2017 CHAPTERS IN BOOKS Roselina Johari Md. Khir (2017) Creative Arts Research through Performance, in The Art of Creative Research, Adelina Asmawi (editor) Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Malaya Press, page 45-54. Roselina Johari Khir (2017) Arts Education: Present and Future, in Education in Malaysia: Present and Future, eds. Moses S, Lorraine Symaco, Tee Yew Meng. Springer: Global ARTICLES IN ACADEMIC JOURNALS Roselina Johari Md. Khir, Murina Pawanteh, and John Stephens, Exploring How Young Malaysians Experience Theatre (2017) Jurnal iJACH, Aswara Publications. Vol.4 2016 CHAPTERS IN BOOKS Roselina Johari Md. Khir (2016) Seni Teater Kanak-Kanak di Malaysia in Pengilmuan Seni dan Industri Kreatif, Baharudin Ahmad (editor), Kuala Lumpur: ASWARA muka surat 309-321 ARTICLES IN ACADEMIC JOURNALS Prashena Prabankaran, Roselina Johari Md. Khir, (2016), The Use of Blogs to Improve Tertiary ESL students’ writing Abilities via Collaboration, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences: 1062-1074, Scorpus-cited publication (SCOPUS-Indexed) 2000 – 2015 BOOKS Roselina M.K (2013) People of the Forest. Singapore: Trafford Publishers Roselina M.K (2006) Drama Pentas Dunia. Kuala Lumpur: University Malaya Publication CHAPTERS IN BOOKS Roselina Johari Md Khir (2009) Teater Moden Malaysia dalam Apresiasi Seni Teater Malaysia, ed. Said Halim Said Nong, Kuala Lumpur: UM Press, muka surat 53-86 Roselina Khir (2008) English Drama in Malaysia in Encyclopedia of Malaysia: Performing Arts ed. Ghulam Sawar Yousof No.8110. Roselina Khir (2008), Malay Contemporary Drama in Encyclopedia of Malaysia: Performing Arts ed. Ghulam Sawar Yousof No.8118 ARTICLES IN ACADEMIC JOURNALS Khairul Azhar Jamaludin, Norlidah Alias, Khairul Azhar Jamaludin, Norlidah Alias, Roselina Johari Mohd Khir & Dorothy DeWitt, 2014, The Effectiveness of Synthetic Phonics in Developing Early Reading Skills of Struggling Young ESL Readers in Gua Musang District in Malaysia.School Effectiveness and School Improvement Journal, Khairul Azhar Jamaludin, Norlidah Alia, Roselina Johari, 2014, Research and Trends in the Studies of Phonological Knowledge and Reading Development: A Review on Selected Journals, The Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Science Volume 2, Issue 2 Roselina Johari Bt Md Khir, 2014, A Personal Take: Issues in Carrying Out Research in the Creative Industries, Jurnal Isu Dalam Pendidikan, Universiti Malaya, Vol 36 Rosman Ishak, Norlidah Alias, Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman, Dorothy Dewitt & Roselina Johari bt Md Khir 2014, Retrospeksi Pakar Terhadap Pengajaran Bangsawan Di Sebuah Akademi Seni, Prosedia Seminar Kebangsaan Majlis Dekan-Dekan IPTA 2014 Roselina Johari Md. Khir, Seni Teater Kanak-Kanak: Amalan dan Sokongan, Persidangan Kebangsaan Pengilmuan Seni dan Industri Kreatif, (2014) Pusat Penyelidikan, Kecemerlangan dan Kesarjanaan Artistik Roselina Johari Bt. Md. Khir, John Stephen, Tan Chuing Szuan, Loo Ke Sin. 2014, Learning through Dramatic Arts, Himpunan Abtsrak Persidangan Kebangsaan Kedua Prgram Pemindahan Ilmu (KTP02) page 1 Roselina Johari Bt. Md. Khir, John Stephen, Tan Chuing Szuan, Loo Ke Sin 2013, Putting Joy into Learning, Persidangan Kebangsaan Kedua Program Pemindahan Ilmu (KTP02) pg. 192 Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Roselina Johari Md. Khir, Shalini Fernandez, Siti Rohaini Kassim (2012) The use of Theatre as a Collective Enterprise in Dissemintating Literature to Children. Three case studies. British Journal of Arts and Social Sciences; 10-22 Roselina Johari Md. Khir, (2007) Directing the Three-Penny Opera for the Malaysian Stage, Tirai Panggung, Vol. 7. P 69-77, UM Publication Roselina Johari, Siti Rohaini Kassim, Fenandez, S (2010) Addressing Literature for Malaysia through Popular Media, IJAS Conference, Salzburg, Austria, 30 May 3 June 2010. (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Research Grant / Consultancy Project Research Grant Year: 2023 Title: Conceptualising Site-Specific Performances in promoting Malaysian Cultural and Historical Heritage Duration: 1 year Sponsors/Grant: Global Funding Bid Seed Grant UOW (March 2023) Year: 2016 Title: Promotion of 4 Essential Skills (4C’s) Beyond School through a Musical theatre Collaboration with Two Schools Duration: 2 years Sponsors/Grant KDU Research Grant (KDURG/2016/1/004 Year: 2020 Title: Service Learning@SULAM in IPTA towards a Proactive Multicultural Society for the 21st Century Duration: 2 years Sponsors/Grant: FRGS/1/2020/SSI0/UM/02/4) Year: 2016 Title: Art of Performing Science – Empowering Self-Learning and Passion for Discovery by Re-enacting Historical Development of Revolutionary Scientific Ideas Through Performing Arts. Duration: 1 year Sponsors/Grant: University LiTer ADEC Grant Year: 2013- 2016 Title: The Interaction of the Young through Musical Theatre Duration: 3 years Sponsors/Grant: Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Information Malaysia Grant Consultancy Project / Workshop Editorial Board of Tirai Panggung, (2020 -2026) International Journal Culture Centre, University Malaya Invited Speaker at Forum Pembangunan Produksi Teater Dan Perkembangan Proses Kreatif Persembahan Teater Untuk Kanak-Kanak Dalam Kalangan Pelajar Sekolah (Rendah/Menengah)” (2023) JKKN Malacca Workshop Siri 1 For Post-Graduate Students (Drama) on Academic Writing, Faculty of Creative Arts, University Malaya (October 2022) Resource Expert for PhD research in Developing a Manual for sex education for pre- school children, UPSI, 2020 Panel of Evaluator for Final Year Project Bachelor of Performing Arts (Theatre) UPSI 2024-2025 Supervision Degree, Masters Research or PhD student supervision Academic, Industry & Ministry Appointments 2024 External Examiner for MA John Stephens Faculty of Creative Arts 2023 External Examiner for PhD Jiang lulu Faculty of Creative Arts External Examiner for PhD Mohd Azly bin Zakaria, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris 2022 External Examiner for Pelajar Sarjana Penyelidikan, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Sarjana Sastera (Teater dalam Pendidikan Awards and Recognitions Award for Cannes for Animation of People of the Forest.