Gifts and Donations Guidelines The library will be pleased to accept donations that complement existing collections or develop collections of specific interest to the UOW Malaysia community. All gifts and donations added to the collection will be catalogued and listed in the Library’s catalogue. With the understanding that library team evaluates and determines which materials are appropriate to add to the library collection, no restrictions shall be placed on their use or disposition. All gifts or donations will be evaluated based on the following criteria ability to add depth or breadth to the existing collections support of collection development policy relevance of content When specialized knowledge is required to evaluate a gift, library staff may consult with academic staff or relevant staff with appropriate expertise. Please also observe the following guidelines: All items should be clean and in good condition, free of odour, mould, water damage and infestation. The Library generally does not accept conditions/ formats which includes but not limited to the following Audit visual materials Duplicate titles Magazines of any kind Material in obsolete or inaccessible formats Materials downloaded from the Internets Materials in languages that are not included in the curriculum Materials which are in poor physical condition Most periodicals Outdated textbooks, over 3 years old Photocopied materials Pirated print publications Underlined/ highlighted pages If you want to donate your preloved textbooks to new students, please click here for details RELATED LINKS LOAN SERVICES REFERENCE & HELPDESK LIBRARY ORIENTATION & INFORMATION LITERACY DOCUMENT DELIVERY