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What are Communication Studies?

Communication studies encompasses a field of study that examines the process of human communication. It includes the creation, delivery as well as receiving of messages, verbal and non-verbal. 

Communication studies is a multidisciplinary field that covers mass communication, health communication, intercultural communication, scientific communication, interpersonal communication, political communication and gender studies. 

Research on communication usually intersects with other fields such as psychology, sociology and economics. 

For example, a communication studies scholar may conduct research on how digital communication impacts education and learning in the traditional classroom setting.


What Is Creative Arts?

The creative arts cover fields such as performing arts, photography, videography, printmaking, painting, visual arts, film, multimedia design and many more. It was not long ago that these courses were looked upon as ‘less’ than STEM courses. 

However, the creative arts are now an important part of education with the benefits of these courses being widely recognized. 

Creative arts courses are suitable for students who want to pursue a career in which they can hone their creativity. 

It is a course that is perfect for those who love having their ideas and imagination come to life in the form of moving art. An education in the creative arts will provide the foundation for you to enter into the real world of arts and design. 


Why choose Communications & Creative Arts at UOW Malaysia?

UOW Malaysia offers an environment for mass communication and creative arts students to immerse themselves in their passion and explore their potential as they develop their talents. Our communication and creative arts programs are carefully designed and developed with insights from industry professionals, and its syllabus is thoughtfully curated to keep students up-to-date with emerging practices and standards in the communication and creative arts fields while ensuring they have a strong understanding of conventional mass communication and arts.

UOW Malaysia prides itself on offering real-world education to meet real-world needs, and as such, students will benefit from our state-of-the-art mass communication and creative arts facilities. They will be able to learn through hands-on practices and train to develop their skills in our industry-standard labs and studios. There are also great opportunities for students from multi-disciplines to synergise and be involved in different aspects of project management and client interaction in the industry. Through these real-world projects, campaigns, showcases and performances, our students emerge to become confident and adaptive graduates with a mix industry experience, up-to-date skills, and resourceful, imaginative and critical thinking skills.